Aviso legal
Pursuant to Article 10 Law 34/2002, July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) set out below the information identifying the company. Aquest espai web pertany a l’empresa DIMAN ELECTRÒNICA SCP amb NIF ESJ60528296 i aquestes dades de contacte.
Política de privacitat
De conformitat amb la Llei Orgànica 15/1999, de 13 de desembre, de protecció de dades de caràcter personal (LOPD), i amb la seva reglamentació, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007, de 21 de desembre, personal information you provide and those that can be obtained because of their relationship with us will be stored in a file in order to manage and control els services offered.
The’ User, providing their personal information freely accepts, it is by stemming Electronics for the purposes for which they were provided. But they are certain guarantees and assumes the obligation to notify any changes.
Your data may be forwarded compliance with legal obligations and / or contracts that may exist.
For his part, Electronics warranty arising s'emmagatzenaran the server and process the personal data have the necessary security measures to prevent alteration, loss, and the processing or unauthorized access to the data. To achieve this end, the user is informed that the lender may obtain the relevant data for the purposes of authentication access control.
The website server will automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when connected to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a file server activity duly recorded and allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to statistically measure the number of page impressions, visits to Web services, order of visits, access points, etc..
It is also expressly guaranteed to users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third parties without a request for prior express consent, informat i inequívoc, the specific assignment.
Use of Cookies. A cookie is a file that is downloaded on your computer to access certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, emmagatzenar and retrieve information about a user's browsing habits or your computer.
The data collected by these cookies allow, ester others, remember the language selection or sessió.Un once treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus measure and analyze statistically that make use of services offered. All this in order to improve the services we offer.
You can afford, Installed block or remove cookies on your computer by setting your browser options to use your computer.
If you do not accept cookies, the website may not work properly. If you continue to browse, consider accepting its use.
Users will have access rights, opposition, rectification and cancellation of data, recognized articles of 15 to the 17 LOPD. These rights can be exercised, by writing to electronic arising either by mail or email (dades de contacte).